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Workplace Bullying in the OR-Free-Samples-Myassignmenthelp.com
Question: Examine the Repetitive Psychological Oppression Which Occurs Due to the Workplace Bullying. Answer: Rational and Background In the last decade, several researches have been conducted which shows that bullying is a widespread problem. There are a number of institutions which are focusing on raising awareness and protecting people from the threat. The implication of bullying is negative and can harm victims health and work performance. So, it is essential to identify such threats within the workplace (Kowalski, Giumetti, Schroeder and Lattanner, 2014). In general, bullying comprises of the behavior targeted at a particular person to humiliate and stigmatize socially. It is also aimed at sabotaging the victims reputation by attacking his character and professional competence. There are many types of research conducted which shows that workplace bullying has become a common problem and there are many individuals who face humiliation because of it. The results of bullying are negative and also reduce confidence among professionals. It can increase the level of anxiety and other psychological problems for people. The performance of medical institutions is also affected by workplace bullying. Due to the bullying, there occurs shortage of medical staffs which increases the work burden on the health care provider (Atik, 2011). At the medical center, there are a number of attacks related to harassment and bullying. These attacks are harmful and are also based on the act of violence which cannot be ignored. In many countries like Sweden and Norway, no adequate legislations are developed regarding to bullying. In Britain, bullying is termed as zero tolerance. It refers the right of a person to lead his life in a dignified manner and there should be zero tolerance towards any act of torture or harassment. In some countries, there are many types of laws made to address the social issue of bullying; however, they are incompetent to address the situation. In the literature, no study has been conducted to examine the impact of bullying on doctors and nurses. The present research is conducted to gather information related to the act of bullying in medical institutions. The exploration describes the incidence of workplace bullying and ways in which different situations leads to such problems (Polanin, Espelage and Pigott, 2012). Aims and objectives The aim of the research is to examine the repetitive psychological oppression which occurs due to the workplace bullying (McGaghie, Issenberg, Petrusa and Scalese, 2010). The victim faces a lot of the work performance related harassments which results in high stress and depression of the victim. The cross-sectional and descriptive study examines workplace bullying behavior experienced by physicians and nurses. The aim of the research is to describe the incidence of workplace bullying in medical centers. The authors have divided the aim in several objectives for the clear investigation and analysis of the issue. The research paper has determined the role of the demographics in workplace bullying. It also defined the relationship between the workplace bullying and the emotional exhaustion of the physicians. The article also highlights the link between the workplace bullying and the safety of the patients. Discussion of Research Method The research method refers to techniques which are used by the researcher to collect valuable evidence to conduct research. These methods increase validity and reliability of data. In order to conduct research on the bullying, different types of research methods used. In the research, the first method related to the data collection is the cross-sectional method (Duncan and Keller, 2011). In the medical research, cross-sectional method is the type of the observational study that collects data through different means from a specific population. In the medical study, this method is appropriate because it provides in-detail information about the population. Such type of method is used by researcher to assess the prevalence of chronic conditions or to identify actual problems of diseases. In the present report, the cross-sectional method has been used by research to collect the data. In the present research, primary data is used for collecting information regarding bullying (Richardson, F rueh and Acierno, 2010). The research develops a survey to ask question at two different medical centers. The data is collected by conducting a survey which was conducted in the medical center. In the survey, twenty-two questions were asked related to workplace bullying. With the help of this research method, scholars can identify root causes of bullying at workplace and ways to prevent it. The researchers have taken a population sample which can represents the entire population. For the data sampling, convenience sample method had been selected. This is non-probability sampling method. In scientific research, this approach is used to collect the data from the participants who are conveniently available to take part in the research process (Holden, 2011). This is associated with primary data collection approach. With the help of such type of method, validity and reliability of research can be determined. This method is used by researchers so they can analyze data in an accurate manner and also it is one of the most inexpensive methods. It refers to conducting analysis of collected data and establishing its correlation with previous research. For conducting data analysis, SPSS statistical software had been used. In the present research, this method is used to analyze data is a more accurate manner (Tokunaga, 2010). For analysis of data, many other statistical tools and m ethod are present through which accuracy can be maintained. In the analysis part, regression method is also applied. Critical Discussion on Bullying In the present research, the definition of bullying is stated as a situation wherein a person or a group of people are threatened by other person or a group of persons. Such act can bring different types of consequences and individually find it difficult to defend himself from such situations (Hutchinson, Wilkes, Jackson and Vickers, 2010). The bullying is negative action which can be harmful to anyone in the workplace. The consequences of bullying are that it decrease work performance and efficiency of the employees. In the medical center, such cases are generally faced by the nurses and new physicians in hospitals. As per the given definition, bullying is the situations in which one person constantly faces negative action from other persons. It also encompasses the incidents where one person has also faced humiliation from other people. Such type of humiliation is so drastic that it can also break someone confidence. However, in some institutions bullying is not considered as negative action (Bartlett and Bartlett, 2011). The negative actions can lead to a downfall in confidence. In some situations, bullying is not always negative action; however, it also helps the individuals in making interactions at the workplace. A healthy talk can increase interaction between the individuals in the medical center and also assist them in understanding the work environment. The negative situation can be addressed through awareness as it is not permanent in nature. So, it is important to clearly state about emotional, mental or other types of physical actions which can harm other individual. In the survey, most of the participants have failed to identify bullying because they do not understand the negative actions. In the definition, it is also stated that bullying is a situation in which one can feel helpless to defend him or herself (Branch, Ramsay and Barker, 2013). However, if someone is defending himself from any type of negative situation then that situation is not termed as bullying. In some case of bullying, victims easily defend themselves. So by definition, it should also include all such activities whether physical or mental in which an individual gets hurt. In most of the medical workplaces, such activities are carried by an individual in form of humiliation. So, the organization must be aware of s uch type of practices at the workplace and make provisions to prevent such activities. Bullying does not refer to one-time actions or actions without any malicious intent. It means any type of action is taken only one time at the workplace so it is not considered as bullying. It cannot be consdered as a measured of bullying. At workplace, many times individual faces a lot of humiliation and threats which their confidence breaks at one time. So, bullying should be based on all type of the action such as physical, mental or emotional which lead harm to an individual (Hoel, Glas, Hetland, Cooper and Einarsen, 2010). In some research it is highlighted one-time bullying is also harmful to individuals at the workplace. This could be reason why most of the candidate do not identify bullying at workplace (Chipps, Stelmaschuk, Albert, Bernhard and Holloman, 2013). Critical Discussion of the Sampling Process For collecting the data, a total sample size of 167 employees from both hospitals is taken. For conducting the survey, written permission is also taken from the medical center. The questions were developed in the presence of medical employees so all the required information can be collected (Simons, Stark and DeMarco, 2011). All participates are well aware of this process and also research provides them with the definition of bullying. Form the hospital A, there were 73 employees who took part and from hospital B 94 employees participated in the survey. The limitation of collecting data was that only a few employees took participation in the survey. Only 29% employees responded towards the bullying act and other employees were ignored from the survey (Chipps, Stelmaschuk, Albert, Bernhard and Holloman, 2013). Critical Discussion of Data Collection For collecting the data the cross-sectional survey was selected. The researcher conducted research in two different medical centers. The collection of data is based on primary research. There was a questionnaire develop which consist 22 negative act questions. The frequency of experiencing these negative acts was rated as never, occasionally, monthly, weekly, or daily. Since, this research is also adding some more questions regarding to the definition of the previous bullying at workplace. The scores are ranging from .81 to.92 the survey questions is also considered the demographic distribution such as gender, age, and ethnicity (Simons, Stark and DeMarco, 2011). The 23 additional questions are consisting of eight items based on demographic information which are filled by using checkbook format. Other eights questions are related to the experience of bullying at the workplace and last seven questions are assessed in the impact of bullying on patients safety. In addition, most of the questions which were developed by researcher were based on bullying in which no accurate definition of negative actions was given. The disadvantage of using such type of the method is that it does not provide the cause and effect relationship. The data which are collected by researcher does not show how demographic variables create an impact on the bullying and impact on nurses. In the entire data collection process, no such expenses occurred in the process. Critical discussion on data analysis For making the analysis, SPSS software had been used. In addition, descriptive statistics for each demographics measure separately. In the continuous variables, researcher use mean and standard deviation. In the analysis of data, researcher also used the logistics regression which varies from 0 to 1 (Chipps, Stelmaschuk, Albert, Bernhard and Holloman, 2013). There were total 582 Resident Nurses invited in which 167 participated in surveys. In the hospital A, 40 potential participants were there whereas B had a response rate of 23.5%. In the study sample, 44.7% of participants were RNs, 53.4% were surgical technologists, and 1.9% was other unlicensed. In the sample, the white people were 73.6, black 20.1% and 6.3% people are other. In the end results, it is identified that 59% of total participants witnessed the act of bullying. Regarding the frequency of bullying, periods such as monthly, weekly, yearly and other cases, the answer of most of the candidates was that they are bullied on the monthly period. In the negative act questions, 27.9% participates ignored and chose not to answer. This is an emphasis that for the workplace it is essential to promote safety and develop cultural communication between the team members so they can speak about their own opinion. The paper also suggested that younger staff have zero tolerance of bullying so in the hospitals most of such cases were faced by the senior staff on monthly basis. Before this study, there was no research conducted regarding bullying in health care. On the basis of ethnicity, white staff has to face the highest level of bullying at the workplace (Hoel, Glas, Hetland, Cooper and Einarsen, 2010). Among physicians, black and Asian physicians had to face t he acts of bullying. The sample size for making an analysis of bullying in ethnicity was small. Therefore, it can be critiqued that for making an analysis of data the sample size was too small. There were only two hospitals which were taken and few employees took participation in the survey. For making analysis of data, no specific time had taken. All the analysis was based on the survey and there were also lack of proper literature. Strengths and Weakness of Research Methods There are different types of research method and approach selected for conducting the present research. In data collection, all participants were well-informed before the survey. The questionnaire which was developed by the researcher is also developed by the medical employees so the researcher can get in detail information regarding the bullying. For the data collection, the sample size was too small and only those employees were taken who faced bullying. Collecting data from such method can create problem for researcher because it did not provide detailed information regarding behavior of bullying at workplace (McGaghie, Issenberg, Petrusa and Scalese, 2010). The OR is a highly stressful environment in which team members work in very close proximity. The main disadvantage of present research method is that participant personnel do not self-identify as being bullied but witnessed others being bullied in the workplace. In the collection of data, there are some other factors such as c ulture, senior, leadership and impact on management training which should also be considered and such ways are identified the ways which can create impact on bullying. In the analysis section, the researcher used the SPSS software. However, most of the candidates who participated in the survey were not sure about their own opinion. The convenient sample helps the research to collect data without any problems. However, this method does not provide bias results. This method does not have the power to identify the difference of population subgroups. In addition, there were only 22 questions asked from employees and several of them were not related to bullying (Duncan and Keller, 2011). Some of them are general and other belongs to the demographic variables of bullying. So, the validity and reliability of the above research method are also limited. At the last, it can be considered that the best method to address the issue of bullying is to provide training in medical center. The hospitals need to allocate resources carefully to team training programs. The managers and staff members must be accountable for setting expectations and provide training towards the elimination of bullying at workplace. The top management need to provide a clear message to all employees and staff members towards bullying and risks which are associated with such act. References Atik, G. (2011). Assessment of school bullying in Turkey: a critical review of self-report instruments. Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 15, 3232-3238. Bartlett, J. E., Bartlett, M. E. (2011). Workplace bullying: An integrative literature review. Advances in Developing Human Resources, 13(1), 69-84. Branch, S., Ramsay, S., Barker, M. (2013). Workplace bullying, mobbing and general harassment: A review. International Journal of Management Reviews, 15(3), 280-299. Chipps, E., Stelmaschuk, S., Albert, N. M., Bernhard, L., Holloman, C. (2013). Workplace bullying in the OR: Results of a descriptive study. AORN journal, 98(5), 479-493 Hoel, H., Glas, L., Hetland, J., Cooper, C. L., Einarsen, S. (2010). Leadership styles as predictors of self?reported and observed workplace bullying. 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